Mentorship for Holistic Practitioners –
Healers, Coaches, and all Transformational Agents

Let’s get your business on the New Earth Map!

This is a programme for all holistic practitioners, healers, coaches, anyone whose soul-contract involves supporting the birth of the New Earth.

  • Gain Life Changing Tools to Discover your Soul Purpose in your Work

  • Grow your Business

  • Create Prosperity 

  • Contribute to the Transformation of this Planet!

I have had the absolute privilege of working with a brilliant life and business mentor for my new facial reflexology business and I would recommend her to anyone. So if anyone out there is looking to start up a new business, wants help with a current business, wants change in their lives but is not sure how to go about it, is unsure what to do next in life or is looking to discover their true soul project, then Marie-Claire is your woman!
– Emma Gosling -’Ready to Glow Facial Reflexology’


Dive into the higher vision for your business! Let’s align it with your soul-purpose.
Infusing your brand with vision and soul-purpose will position you to attract YOUR ideal clients.

YOUR clients are already waiting for you.
They will recognize you by the vibrational frequency your business sends out – when it is aligned with your soul purpose.
Then you will attract clients who have a similar energy.
They need YOU and your talent but they need to find you first!

Together we will iron out the creases that stop you from growing your business and from creating the prosperity that will change your world… and OUR world.

I work as a channel in everything that we do together. This is NOT your run of the mill programme for soul-infused entrepreneurs. It is literally a journey of self-transformation through shifting your frequencies, combined with very practical business applications.

This will have tangible consequences: a prosperous YOU, empowered clients, a better world. Everybody wins!

Let’s get your business on the New Earth Map!

The Practicalities

  • One Psychic Reading

  • 5 Psychic Mentoring Sessions over a period of two months

  • All sessions are 60 minutes

  • Via Skype, (video or audio) or in person

  • All sessions are recorded and you will receive an MP3 file via email to keep track of your journey and the practicalities discussed