Mentoring for Self Transformation

Unveil who you truly are   –   Create a life that serves you.

Is your compass spinning?

Have you lost True North?

Are you tired of following the herd?

Let’s find YOUR reset button!

Feel the fear and do it anyway, definitely applies here. Meeting your authentic self for the first time, perhaps, is no small occasion. It is like going on a first date. All tingly and nervous. Sometimes we feel so nervous, we want to be sick. But, you’ve got to go and meet this Self you have longed for since forever!

You just have to do it and I will hold the space for the meeting. It is my pledge to you.

Working with me is embarking on an exciting journey of self transformation. I connect with your field of energy and mirror back to you the opportunities that you have at your fingertips. It is all within your reach, we just turn the ‘dial’ you are set on and bingo! You are now operating in a different frequency, with a new set of possibilities; a field where the choices available to you are of  another caliber, because you are tuned into LW instead of MW. That’s how energy fields work.

It may sound weirdly simple, and it actually is. We tend to overcomplicate things. My gift to you is to help you turn that ‘dial’ to your preferred station. Out with the complexities of life and welcome the choice to breathe freely.

This Mentoring Programme is specifically designed to fit into your life. I don’t follow any templates because you are UNIQUE. Being a psychic is so handy, really, I just serve you with whatever you need. If you fancy experiencing the amazing being that you are, touching base with the powerful you, lets work together. You will actually blow your own mind, trust me on this!

I channel information that will always be useful, clear and relevant to help you understand where you find yourself at any given time on your life-map and how you can move forward.

Let’s get Your Maverick Unleashed!

The Practicalities

  • Blocks of 6 sessions over a period of 2 months
  • All sessions are 60 minutes
  • Via Skype (video or audio) or in person
  • Audio Recording:The sessions are recorded and emailed to you in MP3 format. The energy downloaded during the sessions is present in the replays for you to experience for a long time into the future and will still have a supportive effect, whenever you listen again.